Vindo Green Policy
Here at Vindo we are concerned about our impact on the environment. So here is what we are doing to keep our cleaning a little greener.
One question we get asked all the time is “what is your special solution?” No secrets here, and no harsh chemicals either. We just use a great general cleaning soap made by ECOVER. Its all natural and the bottle it comes from is even made from plant based plastic.
Check it out here: E-Cover
Next, we don’t use rolls and rolls of paper towels to wipe up. Instead we buy recycled cotton surgical towels. They work great and we keep washing and re-using them for about a year!!
Like everyone, we recycle at the office, try to email as much as possible rather than use extra paper, and we do as much of our advertising as possible online instead of adding to the junk mail in your mailbox.
But the best way we have come up with to reduce our carbon footprint is definitely our service vehicles. We drive the Toyota Yaris that gets around 40 MPG. Its light and efficient and it is all the space we need to keep your storefront windows clean.